Art for children

Here is a database of posts on art related to children of different ages. The subjects include various fields of art: sculpture, painting, drawing and creation in various materials. It is advisable to start by getting acquainted with the various art materials, discovering features, how to use and tips as well as the therapeutic options that the material has long been. It is advisable to allow children to experiment with as many materials as possible, to encourage free and spontaneous creation. Later you can move on to work by topics that include step-by-step instructions, instructional videos, job tips and more. We are working on expanding the database on an ongoing basis - it is worth updating.

Recommended sculptural materials for children: plasticine, Clay Dry, paper mold, plaster, Natural ceramic clay. For older children are also suitable Polymer clay And crystalline enamel.

Types of colors recommended for children: Gouache וWatercolor. For older children are also suitable Acrylic וoil colors. It is recommended to combine glowing neon colors with ultraviolet lighting and thus combine a playful effect to the painting experience.

Recommended registration materials for children: Oil pastel, Graphite pencils וColored pencils, Pens, Markers Of different types. For children of older ages registration in bink, coal וSoft pastel.

If you are looking for an art study framework for children feel free to joinArt workshops for children In our studio in Givatayim.

Fun creation!

Sculpture in polymer clay

Sculpture in polymer clay

Sculpting in polymer clay is popular for sculpting and design all over the world. Here is an explanation of polymer clay, the composition and properties of the clay, the emotional dimension and personal expression that this material allows, how to use it, tips and sculpting techniques.

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Oil painting tips for beginners

Oil painting tips for beginners

Oil painting tips for beginners that are recommended for those who are new to the field. The oil colors are flexible and fun, allowing for a wide variety of techniques and personal expression. Here is a collection of useful tips and advice.

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Pen drawing

Pen drawing

Pen drawing is great for spontaneous scribbling as well as professional art drawings. Here is an explanation of pen types, facts and features, emotional dimension, tips and drawing techniques.

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DIY menorah sculpture from clay clay

Sculpture Menorah made of dry clay

Hanukkah sculpture is one of the festive and fun creations for children in honor of the holiday. Dry clay that dries in the air is excellent for this purpose and solves the need for fire. Here is a breakdown of the materials needed for sculpting menorahs from dry clay, examples and tips for work.

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Cat sculpture from natural clay

Ceramic clay cat sculpture

Instructions for sculpting a cat from natural ceramic clay, accompanied by a video tutorial and step-by-step photos. In addition, details of the necessary materials, tips and tips for the job.

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Natural clay dog ​​sculpture

Ceramic clay dog ​​sculpture

Instructions for sculpting a dog from natural clay, accompanied by an instructional video and step-by-step photos. In addition, details of the necessary materials, tips and tricks for working with ceramic clay.

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Drawing in markers

Drawing in markers

Drawing with colored markers is a favorite of artists, designers and children. Here is an explanation of types of markers, composition and features, emotional dimension, how to use, tips and drawing techniques.

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Giraffe sculpture

A clay giraffe sculpture made of dry clay

Here are step-by-step instructions for sculpting a giraffe with the help of dry clay and the use of construction, details of the materials needed for the sculpture, a demo video and tips for the work.

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Acrylic lining

Acrylic lining

Medium lining is used as a diluent of acrylic paints. Used with silicone an impressive effect is created. Here is an explanation of Medium forging and art instructions combining acrylic and silicone.

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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Gypsum casting

Gypsum is an accessible and useful material for a variety of fields. Read an explanation of the composition of gypsum and its properties, including preparation instructions and options for use and creation with gypsum in art.

To Greco

To Greco

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Sculpture in polymer clay

Sculpture in polymer clay

Sculpting in polymer clay is popular for sculpting and design all over the world. Here is an explanation of polymer clay, the composition and properties of the clay, the emotional dimension and personal expression that this material allows, how to use it, tips and sculpting techniques.

Preparation of a statue for burning

Preparation of a statue for burning

The best way to preserve a sculpture made of natural clay is by burning it in a special ceramic oven. To do this, the statue must be prepared for burning. Here are the instructions for making a sculpture for burning with a video.