Great artists

One of the hottest recommendations for any artist is to get acquainted with great artists from different streams and different historical periods.

Artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir

The artist Pierre-Auguste Renoir is an impressionist painter in modern art. Renoir explores the details similar to camera features, object focus and background blur.

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Artist Edgar Degas

Artist Edgar Degas

The French artist Edgar Degas, a painter and sculptor, is considered one of the forefathers of the Impressionist approach. Degas never adopted the Impressionist color spot and was primarily interested in the movement of the body.

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Artist Claude Mona

Artist Claude Mona

Artist Claude Monet, a French painter, one of the leaders and founders of the Impressionist movement. Mona said that there is nothing in the painting other than impressions and hence the name Impressionism stuck. read more

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Artist Paul Cezanne

Artist Paul Cezanne

The artist Paul Cézanne, a French painter, is considered one of the greatest post-Impressionist artists. Cezanne explored through art how the world changes before our eyes as we observe.

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Artist Vincent van Gogh

Artist Vincent van Gogh

The artist Vincent van Gogh was a Dutch painter, considered one of the greatest painters. Van Gogh is associated with the post-Impressionist current in modern art. Read more about him

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Artist Edouard Mane

Artist Edward Mane

The artist Edouard Mane is considered the father of modern art. The significant change in Mana is the change of form that has diverted attention from the cartoon subject. Read more about him

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Wolfgang Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart

"In my imagination I do not hear pieces of music in sequence, I hear it all at once. And it is a pleasure!" Mozart. From the 25 influential creators project

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Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach

"I had to work hard. Anyone who works equally hard will achieve the same success" - Bach. From the 25 influential creators project

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Ludwig van Beethoven

Ludwig van Beethoven

"Singing the wrong note is not essential, but singing without passion is unforgivable" - Beethoven. From the 25 influential creators project

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Frederic Chopin

Frederic Chopin

"Simplicity is the ultimate goal, achievable, only after overcoming all difficulties" - Chopin. From the 25 influential creators project

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Piotr Tchaikovsky

Piotr Tchaikovsky

"Inspiration is a guest who does not like to visit the lazy" - Tchaikovsky. From the 25 influential creators project

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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Rembrandt van Rijn

Rembrandt van Rijn

"I can not paint the way they want me to paint, and they know it too. Obviously, you say I have to be practical and I must try to paint the way they want me to paint. Well, I'll tell you a secret. I tried and tried very hard, but I can not do "I just can not do it! That's exactly why I'm just a little crazy" - Rembrandt. From the 25 influential creators project

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White color

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