Great artists

One of the hottest recommendations for any artist is to get acquainted with great artists from different streams and different historical periods.


Charles Chaplin

"You only need power when you want to do something harmful, otherwise love is enough to do everything" - Chaplin. From the 25 influential creators project

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Michelangelo Bonarotti

Michelangelo Bonarotti

"I was born and was first a humble model of myself, to be reborn into a more perfect creation…" - Michelangelo. From the 25 influential creators project

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Walt disney

Walt disney

"I'd rather entertain people and hope they learned something, than teach people and hope they enjoyed it" - Disney. From the 25 influential creators project

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August Rodin

August Rodin

"Remember one thing: there are no lines, there are only volumes. And when you draw, never think about the lines, and focus only on the area. After all, the area is what controls the contour" - Roden. From the 25 influential creators project

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Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa

"Nothing says so much about its creator as the work itself" - Kurosawa. From the 25 influential creators project

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Edgar Degas

Edgar Degas

"Painting requires a little mystery, a little uncertainty, a little fantasy. When you create a very clear meaning, people get bored" - Degas. From the 25 influential creators project

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Federico Fellini

Federico Fellini

"Money is everywhere, but so is poetry. What we lack is poets" - Fellini. From the 25 influential creators project

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Custom-made portrait sculpture by Andrei Tarkovsky

Andrei Tarkovsky

"If there are eight people left in the screening of my film in the auditorium, I work for them" - Tarkovsky. From the 25 influential creators project

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Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor

"Something happens in the space you are in. Time changes. Time, I think, slows down. The mystical truth of art is time" - Kapoor. From the 25 influential creators project

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Wolfgang Mozart

Wolfgang Mozart

"In my imagination I do not hear pieces of music in sequence, I hear it all at once. And it is a pleasure!" Mozart. From the 25 influential creators project

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Johann Sebastian Bach

Johann Sebastian Bach

"I had to work hard. Anyone who works equally hard will achieve the same success" - Bach. From the 25 influential creators project

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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