Live creatively Art therapy activity

Live creatively

Have you ever wondered what it means to live creatively? create a? Think creatively? Feeling creative?

Today, September 14.9, we celebrate "Live Creative Day". This is a special international day of the year that comes to inspire us to observe life and the world creatively. In Greek mythology, Eros is the god of creation and love. Love and creation are intertwined in a special way. This is the force that drives us to life. The creative force. Our love for life, our attitude towards the world, creates the reality of our life. Our lives are a work of art that we create with our actions, our thoughts, our imaginations, our memories, our passions... Well, maybe we are only responsible for 50% of our lives, what we have built. The other 50% is our environment, the world that is bigger than us and we have no ability to control it, but we do have the ability to influence it. As they say "everyone is a whole world and we are all in one world". Through art it is possible to create a connection between the two worlds and learn about the nature of the connection between them. To understand ourselves and our perception of the reality of life through art and from that to shape our lives as we wish and create a beautiful world to live in. Self-knowledge is the way to take our lives in our hands, personal responsibility is the key to designing and creating our lives as we wish. An acquaintance process that will last our whole life. Dealing with our emotions, getting to know them, recognizing behavior patterns, developing and shaping. To live creatively - to live ourselves, the creation of our life, the life we ​​create in our perception and being.
So how do you live creatively?
The love of life intensifies the creative power in us. to feel, listen, see, ask, search, think, sense, imagine, learn, do, get to know ourselves better and the world we live in. From and within our attempt to shape, connect, disperse, gather, understand, let go, flex and create our lives every day anew. To start over with an attempt to nurture the existing and create a creative new one from everything there is. make time for everything. Time to think, plan, process, time to do, try, experiment, time to dream, connect with ourselves and fly in our imagination..

An exercise in the art of knowing the concept of life

You are invited to choose colors and draw intuitively how you perceive your life today while being attentive to the feelings that arise in you. In a separate drawing your perception of memory and in another drawing your perception of the future as of this moment. Look at all the works, ask yourself questions and look for answers through the art. How does the past affect the present? What are the similarities and differences between the present and the future? Don't try to answer all the questions right now, let the process resonate in your being. If your drawing of the future does not match your desire for the future, you are welcome to create another drawing of the future you wish would come. Look at the art and find your way. Let thoughts flow, emotions rise, contain your being and let go of everything that holds you back and lead yourself to a creative life full of love.

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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