Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor

"Something happens to the space you are in. Time changes. Time, I think, slows down. The mystical truth of art is time" - Kapoor. From the 25 Influential Creators Project

Alexander Cherkov, "Anish Kapoor", 2019, ceramic bas-relief, 4X45X22 cm

Selected Quotes by Anish Kapoor Sculptor:

"I think the sculptor's work is spatial, as is the work with form."

"Something happens in the space you are in. Time changes. Time, I think, slows down. The mystical truth of art is time."

"Artists do not create objects. Artists create mythologies."

"Whatever your eyes see, your hands will always try to confirm."

Alexander Cherkov Sculpture Relief Portrait Of Sculptor Anish Kapoor | 9:53

A few words about Anish Kapoor

Anish Kapoor (born 1954), is a British-Jewish sculptor born in India known for environmental sculpture in public places around the world as well as diverse architectural projects. Kapoor became famous for his geometric sculptures with simple and / or round shapes. His sculptures are usually monochromatic or in bright colors. His works Investigate the "material" versus the "non-material", and the discourse between the material, the empty, the environment of the work and the viewer. His later works are made of mirror-like polished stainless steel, reflecting or distorting the viewer and his surroundings.

Their love?

Express your support for the artist's work by purchasing the project catalog:

The book "The 25 Great Masters" presents the unique project of the artist Alexander Cherkov, 25 reliefs of great artists accompanied by selected and inspiring quotes about art and its place in their lives. The book is in Hebrew and English.

Do you also want to sculpt a relief portrait of a loved one?

You are invited to join art workshops on a personal track under the guidance of Alexander Charkov at the studio in Givatayim. The studies are in a group setting with guidance and personal treatment for each participant. Suitable for adults and young people, beginners (even without previous experience) and advanced. You can sign up for a ticket for several sessions for the relief sculpture. to register »

The 25 influential creators project

5 painters: Da Vinci | counter | Van Gogh | To Greco | Rembrandt
5 sculptures: dictator | Michelangelo | Archipenko | fish | Kapoor
5 writers: Pushkin | Salinger | Dostoevsky | Andersen | Shakespeare
5 composers: Beethoven | Bach | Mozart | Tchaikovsky | Chopin
5 filmmakers: Disney | Zeppelin | Kurosawa | Fellini | Tarkovsky

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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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