Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa

"Nothing says as much about its creator as the work itself" - Kurosawa. From the 25 most influential creators project

Alexander Cherkov, "Akira Kurosawa", 2019, ceramic bas-relief, 4X45X22 cm

Selected Quotes by Film Director Akira Kurosawa:

"A man is a genius while he dreams."

"Nothing says so much about its creator as the work itself."

"A film should appeal to sophisticated people who think deeply, and at the same time entertain simple people. A really good film is really enjoyable. There's nothing complicated about it. A good film is really interesting and easy to understand."

Alexander Cherkov Sculpture Relief Portrait of Film Director Akira Kurosawa | 8:26

A few words about Akira Kurosawa

Akira Kurosawa (1910-1998) was a Japanese film director, screenwriter and producer. Kurosawa has directed about 30 films during his 57-year career, and is considered one of the most influential and important filmmakers in film history.

Their love?

Express your support for the artist's work by purchasing the project catalog:

The book "The 25 Great Masters" presents the unique project of the artist Alexander Cherkov, 25 reliefs of great artists accompanied by selected and inspiring quotes about art and its place in their lives. The book is in Hebrew and English.

Do you also want to sculpt a relief portrait of a loved one?

You are invited to join art workshops on a personal track under the guidance of Alexander Charkov at the studio in Givatayim. The studies are in a group setting with guidance and personal treatment for each participant. Suitable for adults and young people, beginners (even without previous experience) and advanced. You can sign up for a ticket for several sessions for the relief sculpture. to register »

The 25 influential creators project

5 painters: Da Vinci | counter | Van Gogh | To Greco | Rembrandt
5 sculptures: dictator | Michelangelo | Archipenko | fish | Kapoor
5 writers: Pushkin | Salinger | Dostoevsky | Andersen | Shakespeare
5 composers: Beethoven | Bach | Mozart | Tchaikovsky | Chopin
5 filmmakers: Disney | Zeppelin | Kurosawa | Fellini | Tarkovsky

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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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