Hand sculpting exercise

Hand sculpture

Here is a step-by-step sculpture exercise with a video tutorial. If you want to learn and get to know the basics of sculpture like your palm, it is recommended that you sculpt your hand.

Hand Sculpture Exercise by Alexander Cherkov, from the book Introduction to the World of Art "Sculpture, painting, drawing and more"

In hand sculpture work, in fact this is true of all sculpture composition That is, do not rush to move on to processing and expression of details. The accuracy of the shape of the parts of the hand is less important than a convincing composition, which expresses the nature of the image.

Step-by-step sculpture of the palm

Sculpt your palm from ceramic clay. Choose a preferred hand position for the exercise. There is no need to photograph your hand as it is always with you, but if you want, photograph the hand from several angles in the same pose you have chosen.

Make a roll of clay, straight and flat on the bottom and with a round socket in the upper hand. Make a flat circle and attach it to the socket.


Combine the two shapes into one cone-shaped piece and at its end the wrist and palm are tilted.


Add a clay trapezoid for the 4 fingers plus a clay cylinder for the thumb. Connect all the shapes into one unit.


Mark the knuckles and remove excess clay depending on the length required for the fingers.

Sculpting the hand without an internal construction requires you to think about external support, for example, clay.


Gradually bend and tilt your fingers in the desired direction depending on the palm position you have chosen.

Hand sculpting exercise
Hand sculpting exercise

Once you have obtained the basic shape of the palm position, cover the hand with plastic wrap and leave for partial drying and stabilization.

Hand sculpting exercise

Moved on to work on the details, adding and removing clay where needed, smoothing and designing the overall look. Rotate and work on the palm from all directions until you reach a result that is satisfying to your eyes and reliably reflects your palm and the position you have chosen.

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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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