Exercises in color theory

Exercises in color theory

Here are exercises in color theory including an illustrative video. Creating the color wheel, mixing complementary shades to create a black color and a three-dimensional drawing exercise in color.

Exercises in color theory by Alexander Cherkov, from the book Introduction to the World of Art "Sculpture, painting, drawing and more"

Exercises in color theory

To perform the exercises, be equipped with wet paints - Acrylic, Fat או Gouache In three basic shades (yellow, red and blue) and white. The exercises can be performed on a thin canvas, a canvas drawing board or a cardboard-covered execution cardboard Jesso.

Exercise 1 - The color wheel

Create a chart of the complementary colors from the three primary colors.

Exercises in color theory

Exercise 2 - Black color

Mix three primary colors to get a black color.
Please note - during the painting there is almost no need to use black paint from a paint puff. Get used to creating a black color yourself from the primary colors. Your painting will be more vivid and much less dirty.

Exercises in color theory

Exercise 3 - still life painting

Draw a still life of fruits or vegetables using the three primary colors and white. Remember the The comment Regarding light and shadow in color and the use of complementary colors instead of black. For example:

Exercises in color theoryExercises in color theoryExercises in color theory

Color drawing tutorial video 3:58



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