color green

color green

Everything you need to know about green color; How to mix, combine and choose the color shades that suit you, given the meanings and effects of different colors

Green color is a mixture of the two primary colors, yellow and blue. Green is a color that characterizes nature, because most plants have a green color, which results from the light-absorbing properties of the chlorophyll molecules.

Wavelength: 520-570 nm
Frequency: 525-575 Terahertz

The complementary color to blue is The color red By color wheel.

Meanings of green color

Green is the color of nature and the environment, a symbol of health, youth, fertility, renewal, good luck and money.
Green symbolizes prosperity, vitality and fertility. And is also associated with jealousy. Green is beneficial in all healing conditions.

Pigments of green color

Vetalo green. PG7 pigment.

Green and Vardian. Pig18 pigment

Emerald green. Pig21 pigment

Earth green. Pig23 pigment

green sap 

Cerulean green. 

Green color in art - useful tips for painters

Green shades can be achieved by mixing blue and yellow or using colors with green pigments such as Petalu green, Emerald green, Sap green, Cerulean green and more. Green color is used to darken and create a shadow on red colored objects, which are complementary colors.

Shades of green from the world of design and fashion and how to achieve them in art

Bottle green which is dark green with black, dark hue.
Grass green - full green and intense with a medium degree of darkness.
Olive green - Smoky green mixed with brown and gray.
Apple green - green mixed with yellow.
Mint green - greenish with light blue and a little yellow.

Famous works in which green color stars

Claude Monet, 1899, "The Water Lily pond", oil on canvas


Vincent van Gogh, 1890, "Vase with Pink Roses", oil on canvas


Edgar Degas, 1880, "Green Dancer", oil on canvas


Colors - explanation, meanings and tips:
red | yellow | blue | white | black | green | orange | pink | purple | Heat | gray | Gold | Of money | bronze

Paint products for painting

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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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