Exercises in drawing perspective

Exercises in drawing perspective

Exercises in drawing a two-dimensional and three-dimensional perspective, accompanied by pictures and a detailed explanation. Great for understanding the subject of perspective.

Exercises in drawing perspective by Alexander Cherkov, from the book Introduction to the World of Art "Sculpture, painting, drawing and more"

Before we move on to performing exercises in constructing a perspective of objects and background, we will examine the Perception characteristics Ours regarding three-dimensional space.

The thing is, our perception is not always consistent with the whole "farther - smaller" perspective and is usually correct. If we look at the picture hanging on the wall at eye level, then it is likely that the bottom of the picture does not appear to be smaller than the top and the sides are approaching upwards, as it should be as a rule. However, if we look at the same image from the same place through the smartphone camera screen, the rule immediately seems to work. In fact the rule works for us too, if we make measurements using a pencil. One can only wonder why we do not "see" it!

But the question is: does this perception have to be reflected in the registry?

As mentioned earlier, in most cases one vanishing point is enough to build a perspective for the background, taking into account only the reduction according to the degree of distance to the depth, and for close objects - two vanishing points, while also considering reducing the distance to the side.

Exercises in perspective drawing with two vanishing points

Exercise 1. Write a chair on an A4 sheet of paper using a pencil 6B and an eraser, after passing the guides of the convergence of the parallel sides. Repeat the exercise several times with different chairs and at different angles.

Two vanishing points
Tips for drawing still life

Video of a chair drawing tutorial using a two-point perspective | 1:44

Exercises in perspective drawing with two vanishing points

Exercise 2. Write a simple-shaped vase on a sheet of A4 paper using a 6B pencil and an eraser.

Note that the bottom of the vase we see is more rounded than the neck. These arches are not parallel.

Exercises in drawing perspective

Exercises in drawing perspective

Exercise in perspective drawing with three vanishing points

A three-point vanishing perspective is mainly used for panoramic drawing. Although this perspective does not conform to our perception of reality, it probably leads to the most accurate results in drawing a large space.

Exercise 3. Choose a suitable picture or photograph the interior of your room in such a way that three walls, ceiling and floor will be visible in the picture. 

It is also important that the frame has at least one piece of furniture that does not stand parallel to the three walls, for example as in the picture below:

On the lines of the meeting point between the walls with the ceiling and the floor, draw Straight lines Which last until they intersect as in the picture.

Through the intersection of the lines drawn earlier, draw Horizontal line Extending beyond the photo format, as shown in the image. This is the horizon of your composition.

Three vanishing points

Transfer line, Which will connect the base of the chair leg closest to the base of the leg on the right and continue the straight line up to the horizon line. Repeat this process and sketch Lines For all the legs of the chair, as well as for the sides of the seat and back of the chair, as shown in the picture.

Go over Contours Of the chair, as shown in the picture.

Exercises in drawing perspective

An exercise in a three-point perspective helps to develop coordination between the two lobes of the brain, since it is based on the need for coordinated work of XNUMXD spatial perception And of a linear sequence of reality.

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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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