Introduction to the world of art

An introduction to the world of art is a collection of explanations, advice and discussions by the artist Alexander Cherkov from his book "Sculpture, painting, drawing and more". The book is based on many years of teaching plastic arts and reflects prominent issues that arise in the practical workshops conveyed by the artist.

The posts before you include sections and pages from theספר and are a practical introduction to the three fields of art: sculpture, painting and drawing.

have a fun read!

Exercises in color theory

Exercises in color theory

Here are exercises in color theory including an illustrative video. Creating the color wheel, mixing complementary shades to create a black color and a three-dimensional drawing exercise in color.

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Color theory

Color theory

Explanation of color theory; The color wheel, primary colors, rainbow colors, black color and complementary colors, cold tones and warm tones, monochromatic and achromatic.

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Illusions of color perception

Illusions of color perception

Our perception of color is affected by external factors and creates optical illusions that should be known and noticed during painting with color. A way is offered for you to examine your perception of color which may be mistaken.

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Three-dimensional space in painting

Three-dimensional space in painting

To create illusions of three-dimensional space in a painting, it is necessary to know the rules of perspective and to create light and shadow in color. Here are tips for creating XNUMXD and perspective in color painting.

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The pursuit of art and its impact on humanity

The pursuit of art and its impact on humanity

The practice of art and its contribution to the formation of a general personal and human internal value system in the discussion of the artist Alexander Cherkov as a conclusion to the book introduction to the world of art from the artist's personal experience in art and teaching art.

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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Composition exercise at home

Composition exercise at home

Here is a composition exercise at home, activities within family life, next to examine the effect of the relationship between format, object and background on the expressiveness of the composition.

Mouth sculpting exercise

Mouth sculpting exercise

Before starting a life-size head sculpt, it is advisable to perform exercises in sculpting facial parts separately; The following is a step - by - step sculpture exercise.