News and Updates Summer 2022

Summer 2022

News and updates on what's going on in the studio and what's new on the site, registration for workshops, promotions, new products and current activities | Summer quarterly update 2022

Summer - a good opportunity to enjoy activities and fun with the children, grandchildren, family and friends or something personal for ourselves. Hot summer specials that will cool you down this summer and some news and updates for the summer of 2022:

(I.e. Summer Art Studies 2022

Monday morning 9:30-12:30 | 12 meetings As of July 4, 2022
Tuesdays morning 9:30-12:30 | 12 meetings As of July 5, 2022

Combined workshops of sculpture, painting and drawing in a personal track led by Alexander Cherkov at the studio in Givatayim. Suitable for youth, young people and adults with / without previous experience and background in art. Study in a group setting with individual instruction tailored to each participant. The study topics are very diverse and open to the participant's choice. A good opportunity to experiment in a new field and perhaps develop a hobby, execute an art project or learn new techniques. Registration is open for 12 weekly sessions, a card or individual sessions. 

???? Summer workshops for children

Thursdays Afternoon 17: 00-18: 30 | 12 Meetings | Starting July 7, 2022

The workshops are intended for elementary and middle school ages with personal treatment and adaptation for each boy and girl. In the workshop, the children practically learn the basics of plastic art in the field(s) of their choice: classical drawing, color painting and ceramic sculpture. The cost of materials and burning statues is included in the price. Registration is open for 12 sessions or one-time sessions as personal or shared artistic entertainment with siblings and friends. 

The workshops will be conducted by Alexander Cherkov together with his daughter Sophie Cherkov, who returns to teach after maternity leave  👶👶 

🎥 Sculpture duplication course - mold making and casting

We have opened a list of those interested in a sculpture duplication course that includes preparing sculpture molds and casting them into the prepared molds. The course provides knowledge and a practical method for duplicating a sculpture or tools. The course will be taught by the artist Alexander Cherkov. If this sounds appropriate for you or you know someone who may be interested - feel free to leave details.

🏖 A refreshing summer on our site - new products


10% discount on all products on the site - SUMMER10 benefit code
Free shipping on purchases over NIS 200

Valid until 31.8.22 when purchased on the website only The discount will be updated by entering a discount code

???? Open the heart in the hope of changing the life of the special child - personal request:

Yana, the eldest daughter in our family works at the *Ala* (Help for the Special Child) association that takes care of children and people with special needs and wishes to convey the following message:

Hello you guys! My name is Yanina and I am Alex's eldest daughter. For the past 14 years, out of 47 years of my life, I have devoted to working with people with special needs, of which 10 years - as part of the ALA - have helped the disabled child. Not on us, but reality does challenge us sometimes, even in health and sanity. In people who need special help. On quite a few families a special decree is imposed - a child with special needs. Sometimes already in a complicated birth, sometimes during the first years, when rare syndromes are suddenly discovered, sometimes following accidents ... Both financially, emotionally, and professionally while providing a medical, paramedical and educational response to children. ALH is an organization that provides a comprehensive response to several hundred children in several institutions. You can find more details about its activities on the association's website. These days we (ALH - management and staff alike) are collecting donations in a special campaign. Every staff member, from small to large, has set a fundraising goal with the intention of fulfilling those dreams and satisfying those needs, which have no budgets. You know that. A little pampering. ALH invests its best in child care and employee well-being, but, as in any family, there are things, wanting and not being able to afford. Keep the unsatisfied desires a secret, be patient, and then ... yes! Suddenly it happens! What joy, what contentment, what optimism arises, when dreams come true! .. So I personally chose to be a partner in fulfilling dreams. Also invites you to join this blessed initiative ' Take one step along a path of giving and take part in fulfilling dreams. Enter the link, spend a few minutes of your time filling in details and donate 10 NIS (or more ...), and dedicate the donation to what your heart desires. 

The money will surely go to a reliable place and it will be of great benefit from it. But no less, you will break the perceptual pattern of the idea of ​​contribution.

Every donation, small or large, will help us continue to devotedly care for those who need us. And who knows, measure for measure, maybe your dreams will also come true ?! Amen yes there will be a desire…

Yanina Cherkov Ganshaft
Bnei Brak Leaf Center

🌞 Wishing you a summer of fulfillment of dreams and indulgences and full of creativity!

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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