Sculpture of the human body

Sculpture of the human body

Human body sculpting is a popular subject in the field of art, both in its entirety and in parts; Hand sculpture, foot, female and male torso, body sculpture of woman, man and children.

Perhaps the most popular subject in sculpture is the sculpture of the human body. Sculpture with Ceramic clay, Bronze, plaster And many other sculptural materials. Figures of children, women and men, both in their entirety and in parts (heads, torso, arms and legs) are able to express almost any human feeling.

Exercises on sculpting the human body

For beginners in the world of sculpture it is highly recommended to start with body sculpting exercises with ceramic clay. The exercises will also give you an introduction to the clay and the techniques of working with it and will also provide basic and useful knowledge for the future when you work on any type of project in sculpture. It is recommended to start with sculpting limbs - hand and foot and from there move on to sculpting the torso and body sculpting. You should also do exercises for sculpting a female body, both a male body and a body of childrenCharts of body proportions Understand the characteristics of body type according to age and sex. Finally after you have acquired knowledge and skills working with clay, you can move on to advanced exercises for example sculpting complex body poses that require Auxiliary construction For support.

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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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