Mouth sculpting exercise

Mouth sculpting exercise

Before starting a life-size head sculpt, it is advisable to perform exercises in sculpting facial parts separately; The following is a step - by - step sculpture exercise.

Oral Sculpture Exercise by Alexander Cherkov, from the book Introduction to the World of Art "Sculpture, painting, drawing and more"

Before starting atHead sculpting, It is advisable to perform a number of exercises in sculpting major interior parts with Ceramic clay או plasticine. This is an opportunity to get to know and understand the structure of the different parts of the face: eye, mouth, nose and ear, this will be very easy later when you sculpt a life-size head.

A step-by-step sculpture exercise here

Make a flat square measuring 8x8 cm from ceramic or plasticine.

Mouth sculpting exercise

When sculpting the mouth, keep in mind that the mouth is not limited only by the boundaries of the lips. The structure of the mouth includes all the prominent ball that is between the nose and chin. Mark lines for chin and nose and circle for mouth.

Mouth sculpting exercise

Add clay in the areas marked for nasal, chin and mouth bumps.

Mouth sculpting exercise
Mouth sculpting exercise

Draw the dividing line of the lips and semicircles for bumps on the lips.

Mouth sculpting exercise

Remove clay on the sides of the semicircles towards the corner of the mouth, while deepening the dividing line of the lips and maintaining the bumps marked earlier.

Mouth sculpting exercise

Press and remove excess clay under the lower lip.

Mouth sculpting exercise
Mouth sculpting exercise

Slide and unify the area around the mouth. For an aesthetic look the frame of the square surface can be straightened and cut.

Mouth sculpting exercise
Mouth sculpting exercise

Smooth and shape the lips, without damaging the bumps and dents you designed earlier.

Mouth sculpting exercise

Look at the mouth you sculpted from all angles, making sure the shape of the lips, bumps and dents is visible from all directions.

Mouth sculpting exercise
Mouth sculpting exercise
Mouth sculpting exercise
Mouth sculpting exercise

For the exercise I suggest designing a standard mouthpiece, with no special personal characteristics.

Mouth sculpting exercise

If you still want to characterize the mouth, hold a picture of the desired mouth structure in front of the eyes and make changes accordingly.

Mouth sculpting exercise

Male torso sculpture exercise

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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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