Registration as a special kind of thinking

Registration as a special kind of thinking

Alexander Cherkov explains the difference between drawings made in the management of the two hemispheres of the brain.

Drawing as a special type of thinking by Alexander Cherkov, from the book "Introduction to the world of art"Sculpture, painting, drawing and more"

Von de Gome Cave 11,000-15,000 BC

The early drawings of the prehistoric primitive people, amaze me with the power of expression, which I do not always find in the works of contemporary artists, as above not in my works. Here are drawings of children. They are in a sense "prehistoric" people, ie people without a long personal history.

Registration of a 3-year-old child
Registration of a 6-year-old child

I do not know what about you, in my eyes a drawing of a three-year-old compared to that of a six-year-old may seem less true in an informative sense, but much more artistic and expressive. It is worth mentioning P. Picasso: "Every child is an artist. The difficulty is to remain an artist as one goes through childhood." According to the concept of a right lobe, a drawing of a three-year-old boy is similar to the characters of Paul Clay and Henry Matisse.

Registration as a special kind of thinking
"The Escape Before You" Paul Clay
A drawing by Henry Matisse

Among the studies of the creative processes I met the opinion that "in the field of visual art there is nothing to do with the left lobe." I would not choose such a categorical division, but I understand the emotional background of this position.

Drawing, as I think, is a special kind of thinking that perceives reality in the world in a way that is not verbal, but implicit. However, since creative thinking is primarily a function of the right lobe of the brain, it will be impossible to achieve artistic expression of the figure in painting (as in any other art form), only by achieving the "right" proportions and maintaining perspective, light and shadow compatibility. Henry Matisse's drawing in the sense of "normalcy" falls from the drawing of a six-year-old boy. However, for some reason, I am not bothered by the lack of elbow and one finger in the left hand along with the legs folded in an impossible way, looking at the painting and seeing a very handsome female image for my taste.

Registration as a special type of thinking in the right and left lobes

So what is the difference between records made in the management of the two hemispheres of the brain?

Registration under the management of the left lobe Performed primarily according to clear rules logically: proportion, perspective, light and shadow. Its purpose is to convey reliable and objective, orderly and relaxed visual information. In this type of listing, no unnecessary lines or stains were found. Such a listing is optimal and concise. As a rule, it is logically correct and complete. Its static beauty is similar to the beauty of a mathematical formula. Drawing under the management of the left lobe may be linear and schematic or flat or three-dimensionally planar, depending on its use in drawing, shaping or art.

Registration as a special kind of thinking
Registration of academic studies

Registration under the management of the right lobe Characterized by imperfection, inefficiency, lack of informativeness, which evokes and forces the viewer to complete the character, pushing him to collaborate. This image vividly expresses the attitude of the registrar - he is subjective. Drawing in the right lobe abandons logical rules in favor of achieving greater emotional sincerity. He is spontaneous, determined and opposed to corrections. Many inaccuracies of the details do not interfere with the perception of the complete listing as a whole. It has no substitute in the initial stage of a creative idea (sketch), but no less significant as a work of art in itself.

Registration as a special kind of thinking
"Dancing Figure" 'Pontormo

So what kind of drawing should a beginning artist develop?

 I have no other answer but to say: both!

And what kind of leg would you offer an athlete to develop for a marathon - right or left?

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