Color palette

A color palette is a hard surface on which the painter places and mixes his colors for his painting. Here is an explanation of different types of palettes, and tips for using a color palette.

If you are starting with painting, it is recommended that you read a short explanation of a color palette and decide which palette is best for you. A plate is a hard surface on which the painter places and mixes his colors for his painting. There are pallets made of different materials, multi-purpose or disposable.

Color palette - types and explanations

Plastic plate - Usually has small dimples, which divide the colors of the painting and prevent them from mixing with each other. In addition, in the center of the brazier there is a place to mix selected colors and dilute them with water in the painting In watercolor, In acrylic paints או In gouache colorsAlso, thinning In turpentine and flaxseed oil In painting with oil colors. Easy-to-clean plastic plate.

A wooden platter - You can use a wooden plate for painting paints. It has a hole for comfortable holding and rests on the arm. It is recommended to cover the wood with a lacquer coating for easier cleaning of the paints. not suitable For watercolors.

Sheet of paper In painting with oil colors And acrylic paints, You can use paper plates, which come in a block of paper or sheets, which can be fastened to a flat surface with clips. Sheet paper coated with polyethylene, perishable and disposable. In addition, parchment paper (baking paper) can be used.

Disposable color palette - A disposable plate can be used as a plate for different painting colors. Preferably a smooth disposable plate without texture and in white.

Tips and recommendations regarding color palette

  • At the end of the painting In oil paints The color palette can be kept for re-use by covering the palette with cling film, which extends the freshness of the colors by about a week.
  • At the end of painting with acrylic colors, the color palette can be saved for reuse by covering the palette with plastic wrap and keeping it in the freezer. When returning to use, when the color palette dissolves you can go back to drawing.
  • A damp palette can be easily prepared for maintaining acrylic paints: a container with a lid, inside which is a layer of tissue paper, paper towels or any other absorbent material that can be moistened with water, and on top of it baking paper. The paint is placed inside the container and remains moist.


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Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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