Explanation of colors for painting

Trying to understand the difference between the different types of paint for painting? And what is best recommended for children? It's time to get acquainted with painting materials.

First of all, welcome to join the world of painting. You have arrived at a colorful and diverse world, which includes both black and white, and many shades of emotion, thought and imagination. The painting differs from the drawing in that it focuses on shape and color versus lines and shading in the drawing. There is a whole Torah dedicated to colors and each color has shades that have their own uniqueness and characteristics. Beyond that, there are different types of paints, with different qualities and painting methods and ancillary equipment necessary for the work that you should be familiar with. But do not worry, it is not complicated at all. The world of painting is a fun and immersive world, both for children and adults. Feel free to join us and get acquainted with painting materials - we have gathered useful information, explanations, tips and tricks that can help you dive into the world of painting and start painting.


Drawing with coffee

Drawing with coffee

Painting with coffee is very similar to painting with watercolors but accompanied by a great aroma! We have collected for you some tips and techniques for drawing with coffee in honor of International Coffee Day starting on October 1st.

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Oil painting

Oil painting

Oil paints evoke a deep process and broad personal expression. Here is an explanation of oil paints; Composition and features, how to use, emotional dimension, tips and painting techniques with oil paints.

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Painting in acrylic paints

Painting in acrylic paints

Acrylic paints are suitable for almost any surface. Here is an explanation of acrylic paints; Composition and features, how to use, emotional dimension, tips and techniques painting in acrylic paints.

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Gouache painting

Gouache painting

The gouache colors are friendly and excellent for children. Here is an explanation of gouache colors; Composition and features, how to use, emotional dimension, tips and techniques painting in gouache.

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Watercolor painting

Watercolor painting

Watercolor colors express movement, lightness, flow and transparency. Here is an explanation of watercolors; Composition and features, how to use, emotional dimension, tips and techniques in watercolor painting.

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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