Human head proportions

Human head proportions

Here is an explanation of the proportions of the human head, a head scheme suitable for 95% of the population. Knowledge of anatomy and proportions is the basis for drawing, painting and sculpting the human head.

Human head proportions By Alexander Cherkov, from the book Introduction to the World of Art "Sculpture, painting, drawing and more"


Despite the endless variety of human faces, and it may even seem strange, there is a scheme of human head proportions, which is 95% accurate and suitable for almost 95 out of 100 adults of all ages and genders.

In the following diagram, out of the 2 circles, where the small diameter is 2/3 of the larger diameter f, the shape of the human head is constructed. Its vertical size is divided into 4 equal sections a.

In the second diagram, the half line of the head d, i.e., the line tangent to the upper point of the lower circle, is divided into 5 equal parts (e). On this line are the eyes.

In the third diagram, the section between the eyebrow ridge and the chin (the section between the upper point of the eye circle and the lower point of the head circumference) is divided into two equal parts b. This is the nose line.

In the fourth diagram, the distance between the nose and the chin is also divided into two equal parts c. Above this line is the mouth.

The last diagram unifies all the parts of the face. Note that the ears are located between the eye line and the nose line, with the top point of the ear being at the height of the eyebrow ridge.

Human head proportions

Examples of the schema of human head proportions

The shape of the eyes, nose, mouth, ears, as well as the hair, forehead, eyebrows, cheeks, chin and round face are individual for each person, but the similarity of the arrangements of these parts makes us part of one human family.

Perception of the composition of the structure of the face

In the proportions of a person, and this is especially evident in the example of the structure of the head, for the recognition of a human image - much more important The composition In its entirety, than accurate processing of the parts. For example, eyes with a non-strict finish do not interfere with the character's recognition. 

But the absence of eyebrows, as part of the composition, sometimes complicates consciousness very significantly.

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