Tips for drawing still life

Tips for drawing still life

Exercises in a linear perspective with two vanishing points, used mainly for drawing or drawing close objects. In addition, tips for drawing still life.

Still life is a field in art that focuses on depicting various objects such as vases, plants and flowers, fruits, housewares and the like. The artistic expression is created by the selection of objects, their composition and arrangement in space. Still Life Drawing Tips will help you understand what to start with and how to build a perspective that reflects depth in drawing.

To achieve a convincing expression of the volume of close objects, it is recommended to use In perspective Front linear with two vanishing points. The vanishing points do not have to be within the format, but can be outside the composition visible on the work substrate.

Tips for drawing still life

For beginners in drawing, it is recommended to start with a still life drawing with a simple geometric shape. For example: a square box, two boxes on top of each other, a TV on a dresser and the like. Note that while drawing still life, you are maintaining the same angle of view towards the selected object. Remember, although we know that in objects with square sides, such as a cube or a rectangular box, the lines are parallel to each other - in drawing these objects, the lines will strive to meet at the vanishing points.

Finding the strong eye. Hold a pencil or any relatively straight and narrow object in front of a vertical straight line near you, it could be a line of a door, wall or any straight object around you. Look at the straight line while holding the pencil parallel to it so that the pencil looks blurry to you and the focus of vision is on the selected line. Now, himself one eye at a time. Your strong eye is the eye through which the pencil stays parallel to the line you have chosen. In fact, the strong eye also indicates your strong brain lobe, with each lobe controlling the opposite side of the body; The right lobe controls the left side and the left lobe controls the right side.

Finding the angle of the first line. Now that you know what your strong eye is, in the same way place the pencil on one line of the object you have chosen to draw and look through the strong eye. Try locking the wrist and moving the same angle of the line to the paper.

Line chases line. The first line of the object selected for drawing can be any length you choose depending on the size of your drawing substrate. In the same way you found the angle of the first line, move on to find another angle of line that continues the first line. Do not jump to a line that is not in contact with the first line.

Maintaining relationships between the lines. Check how many times the second line enters the first line by marking the length with your fingertip on the pencil. The second line and so on should maintain an equal relationship with the first line of the listing. For example, from your point of view on the object, you see the length of the first line 10 cm, but you have decided to write the object larger than what you see and your line in the drawing is 12 cm. Now, if you see the second line half the length of the first line, its length in the drawing will be 6 cm and not 5 cm as you see.

Guides. When drawing close objects, it is recommended to use a perspective that has two vanishing points. Once you have found the angle of the first and second line next to it (not a straight vertical line), continue the lines and make sure that the angles of the other lines converge to the same two vanishing points on the sides of the selected object.

Tips for drawing still life

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