Lisa Cherkov was born in 1987 in Kharkov, Ukraine. In 1994 she immigrated to Israel with her mother and father, and her six brothers and sisters.

From childhood art has occupied a prominent part of her life and influenced the growth and development of her and each and every one of the children of the family.

At the beginning of her adult life, she experimented and studied a number of fields, later setting up and running an event production business in Old Jerusalem. In 2014, she returned to live in the center of the country and joined the family business. Since then, she has been running the family art workshop and studio in Givatayim.

Her ambition was to follow in her father's footsteps, to spread and make accessible his extraordinary approach to life in general and to art in particular. It aims to develop and expand the workshop activities, with an emphasis on creativity, quality and providing a helpful service to business customers.
