Composition exercise in still life

Composition exercise in still life

Here is a still life drawing exercise on the subject of composition, the next to examine how the changes in the relationship between the format, the object and the background affect the expression of the composition.

Composition exercise in still life By Alexander Cherkov, from the book Introduction to the World of Art "Sculpture, painting, drawing and more"

Composition exercise in still life

Here is a still life drawing exercise on the subject of composition, the next to examine how the changes in the relationship between the format, the object and the background affect the expression of the composition.

Choose a few items from your kitchen and write them on a white A4 sheet of paper using a B6 pencil.

Composition exercise in still life

Do not aspire to the accuracy of the shape of each of the objects, but try to convey as accurately as possible the ratios of their volumes and the distances between them. To allow the right lobe to lead the drawing, cause the recorder to "flutter like a butterfly." At the end of the still life drawing, move on to working on the format with the help of a composition frame, by delineating different areas of the drawing in frames of different sizes. 
Explanation of composition framework »

One of the resulting compositions will show you as a favorite.

Try to perform the exercise several times, with different items, fruits and vegetables. Remember that there is no need to invest in precision and details. This is not yet the time to delve into the details, what is important now is to work on the perception and understanding of the composition, a correct description of the volume of the items and the relationship between them. It is better to make 5 inaccurate entries than to linger on one accurate listing.

The exercise will help you understand how to build a composition that will create interest even for common items in the house. In addition, it will help you develop vision in relation to the object and its environment, a topic of importance in creating art of any kind.

Composition exercise in still life

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