Principles and techniques in drawing

Proportions of the human body

Proportions of the human body

Here are rules in the proportions of the human body, which help to understand the anatomy of the body according to age and gender, as a basis for drawing, painting and even sculpting the human body in different poses.

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Human head proportions

Human head proportions

Here is an explanation of the proportions of the human head, a head scheme suitable for 95% of the population. Knowledge of anatomy and proportions is the basis for drawing, painting and sculpting the human head.

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Tips for drawing still life

Tips for drawing still life

Exercises in a linear perspective with two vanishing points, used mainly for drawing or drawing close objects. In addition, tips for drawing still life.

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Exercises in drawing perspective

Exercises in drawing perspective

Exercises in drawing a two-dimensional and three-dimensional perspective, accompanied by pictures and a detailed explanation. Great for understanding the subject of perspective.

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Perspective in registration

Perspective in drawing, although not accurate to reality, helps us create compelling depth in drawing. Here is an explanation of vanishing points and useful perspectives in drawing.

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light and shadow

Light and shadow in the drawing

Rules of light and shadow in drawing and painting according to the location and intensity of the light, and how the light is distributed over the object and the background.

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Exercises in light and shadow

Exercises in drawing light and shadow

Here are exercises in light and shadow in drawing, accompanied by an instructional video. In addition, an explanation of the problem of our perception of shades due to the influence of various factors.

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Exercise creating composition

Exercise creating composition

Exercise to create a composition to learn the meaning of the term "composition". Here is a list of the materials needed for the exercise and detailed step-by-step instructions with pictures for illustration.

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Composition exercise in nature

Composition exercise in nature

Here is an exercise in composition, next to examine how the changes in the relationship between format, object and background affect the expression of the composition and the subject of the work.

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About Us

Our studio specializes in the fields of art, sculpture, painting and drawing for educational purposes, leisure, perception development and art therapy. We offer workshops, diverse art services and also provide equipment and materials for art and creation.

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