White Bristol 1/9 sheet

Pack of 70 Bristols 170 g in white, size 1/9 sheet


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White Bristol 1/9 sheet size. Pack of 70 170 gram white bristles. The size of the brush is 23x33 cm. The brush is excellent for creating, drawings and paintings with sketching pencils, colored pencils, gouache paints, soft pastels, wax chalks, oil pastels, markers, pens and more.

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White Bristol is useful for drawing and creating

The bristles can be used by you for a variety of uses, from drawing and drawing using a variety of drawing media and colors, for example drawing objects on a white background, landscape paintings, and the like, to craft works with paper, greeting cards for loved ones and signs for designing parties and events.

Drawing used in the past mainly as a preliminary technique for painting or sculpting and making sketches, but today, with the changes in the art world, drawing has a status similar to the status of painting and the distinction between them has become less clear, so drawings can be found in exhibitions. 

Drawing is a special form of thought, which translates the artist's vision and perception into images on paper. The drawing combines the activity of the two lobes of the brain with the left being responsible for fulfilling the rules of proportion, perspective and light and shadow while the right is responsible for the emotional and creative expression. There are countless exercises for developing drawing in the right and left lobes, which directly affect the development of perception and building a solid and broad base for color painting and sculpture.

It is highly recommended to practice sketching and perform exercises as much as possible. Line and spot drawing exercises, ratings and shading, geometric shapes and composition building, light and shadow exercises, still life drawing, natural and urban landscape drawing and perspective drawing practice, drawing the proportions of the human head and human body in different angles and positions. The drawing exercises greatly improve the connection between the eye and the hand, the spatial vision and the perception of the whole. Improvement and progress in drawing directly affect the progress in painting and sculpture, as drawing is the basis for both areas. The grammar of the language of art can be seen in drawing, and mastery of the rules of grammar means mastery of language, a higher level of expression and expression.

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