Greeting card for a gift

Gift greeting card for writing a personal dedication to loved ones


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A greeting card for a gift, a nice little addition to add to the gift you choose for your loved ones. A selection of colorful and happy examples of greeting cards for writing greetings, best wishes and a personal dedication for a gift with which you choose to make your loved ones happy.

When you buy a gift for your loved ones, don't forget to attach a greeting card to your gift

Write the blessing in the order notes at the payment stage or personally on WhatsApp and we will be happy to write for you and attach it to the gift.
Conditional on purchase on the website and limited to 1 piece per order.

We see art as the key to creating a colorful and diverse present, which includes both black and white, and many shades of emotion, thought and imagination. We believe that the door to the world of art is open to everyone, regardless of age, experience or nationality. Art is a universal language, and everyone can learn to use it. When you give equipment and art materials as a gift, you also give countless possibilities for personal expression and an opportunity for self-discovery through art, developing creativity and a creative experience that focuses the creator on the here and now. Beyond that, art constitutes a bridge between the inner world and the outer world and thus raises awareness in relation to self-being. An artistic gift suitable for children, young and old, beginners and advanced. From experience, those who already create will always be happy to stock up on additional materials and those who don't yet, such a gift will encourage them to develop a creative, therapeutic and enriching occupation. There is no limit to the ability and possibilities.

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