Flat wood brush

Flat brushes with wooden handle in different sizes


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A flat wooden brush with a long wooden handle in various sizes for painting and painting. These brushes are great for painting and painting studies in oil, acrylic and gouache.

A flat brush is a brush with fibers that form a flat square shape, of medium to long length. Used for filling large areas quickly, thinning and evenly distributing paint on a large surface. Most often, he will leave marks from brushstrokes on the substrate of the painting. The flat brush tip can be used to create thin, straight lines. Great for painting frames, stripes and particularly thick lines, painting uniform shapes such as roads, highways, buildings and the like. Its large dimensions are suitable for applying lacquer, jesso and painting sculptures.

Flat wood brush cleaning

The lifespan of the brush use depends on proper use and maintenance. A brush can be used for years, or destroyed after one use. It is important to ensure proper use and cleaning. When using the brush, clean with warm water and soap. If the brush was used for oil painting, dip in turpentine and wipe with a dry cloth. In order to preserve the brush, do not leave it to soak in a vessel with water, otherwise it will be destroyed quickly. If the brush is not cleaned at the end of use, the paint dries on the fibers and cannot be removed.

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